The lecture will give a brief overview of the context of circularity: resource scarcity as a reason to move from a linear-fossil economic model towards a circular-renewable economic model the principles of circularity: 9R Framework, Value Hill and the Butterfly model the circular business model framework several circularity best practices.
Predavanje će se održati na engleskom jeziku.
Manufacturing Innovation as a Driver of the Future
12:30-13:00 – 23.10.2024. Wespa Spaces Business&Longue

O predavaču:

Felix Ambros co-founded Thinkubator, a circular economy think tank based in Vienna, in 2021. In his capacity as a co-founder, he is managing several education programs for sustainability and circularity and is the lead-researcher for a research project that deals with the financeability of circular business models. Apart from that, he teaches a course on climate change mitigation for the Illinois in Vienna Programs at the Vienna University for Economics and Business and is Climate Track Representative for the European Forum Alpbach Network.