Predavanje: Circular Business Models – Principles and Best Practices for a Sustainable Future

The lecture will give a brief overview of the context of circularity: resource scarcity as a reason to move from a linear-fossil economic model towards a circular-renewable economic model the principles of circularity: 9R Framework, Value Hill and the Butterfly model the circular business model framework several circularity best practices.

Predavanje će se održati na engleskom jeziku.

Manufacturing Innovation as a Driver of the Future

12:30-13:00 – 23.10.2024. Wespa Spaces Business&Longue


O predavaču:

Felix Ambros co-founded Thinkubator, a circular economy think tank based in Vienna, in 2021. In his capacity as a co-founder, he is managing several education programs for sustainability and circularity and is the lead-researcher for a research project that deals with the financeability of circular business models. Apart from that, he teaches a course on climate change mitigation for the Illinois in Vienna Programs at the Vienna University for Economics and Business and is Climate Track Representative for the European Forum Alpbach Network.



Oluk Robotics

Prilagođena rješenja za automatizaciju i robotizaciju proizvodnih procesa. Oluk Robotics je tvrtka koja pruža prilagođena rješenja za automatizaciju i robotizaciju poslova poput rezanja materijala, brušenja

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